Seminar activities 2008-2009

October 29. (Room S216) Connecting Polygonizations via Stretches and Twangs. Suneeta Ramaswami, Rutgers University, Camden,

November 5. (Room S216) Higher Order Delaunay Triangulations: an overview of the state-of-the-art. Rodrigo I. Silveira,  Utrecht University.

November 19. (Room S217) Stabbers of line segments in the plane. Carlos Seara, MA2, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

November 26. (Room S216) Draining a Polygon –or– Rolling a Ball out of a Polygon. Ferran Hurtado, MA2, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

January to March 2009. There will be no CG seminars at UPC, in general, as the advanced course DocCourse Combinatorics and Geometry 2009: Discrete and Computational Geometry will be going on, including many seminars.

March 25. (Room S216) Approximation algorithms in Art-Gallery problems. Gregorio Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

April  29. (Room S216) NP-complete and FPT Results for Rectilinear Covering Problems in Higher Dimensions. Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Griffith University, Australia.

April  30. (Special session: 8 AM, Room A5 201, Campus Nord) Optimization of polyhedral terrains by terrain correction. Rodrigo I. Silveira,  Utrecht University.